I'm leaving you with some curious photos for the weekend...
Friday, 30 October 2009
Clarence Court Eggs
Recently I'm obsessed with buying free-range egs. I read an article on how the hens are treated in the egg farms and simply couldn't continue adding any more hurt and pain to that. But these ducks look happy, right? I would not hesitate to have my scrambled eggs made with them. Or maybe it's just the way they were portraid by Simmer... There's a few more after the jump!
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Firefly Press Video
I found this video on the Book Cover Archive blog and had to share it with you. After sharing it on facebook I was called crazy, but what the heck, I believe I'm not after all!
FireFly Letterpress from ilovetypography.com on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
How To Be A Good Client
I can't rember when I found this gorgeous piece of advice for ...clients, but if you work in the graphic design industry you have to admit it's well prepared! If you know which agency released it feel free to add the credits, in other words give credit where credit is due.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Oleg Dou Photography
Going through the recent issue of Machina Design I stopped the moment I saw these photos. I was mesmerized. There's something really disturbing about them, the way all the humanity was somehow erased from them, leaving the models looking like characters from a movie about AI. Oleg Dou, Russian photographer and author of these, won numerous awards for his work, however I'm not sure it should be qualified as photography or photoshop / collage manipulation. Whatever it is though, it's hard to walk past by it staying indifferent. Make sure you see other photos after the break. Please.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Typography Is....
Typography in Motion from ilovetypography.com on Vimeo.
Typography is ...what a language looks like. A short explanation on a complex subject.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Book City Jackets

Book City Jackets was founded in 2008 by Emma Gaines-Ross and Jeremy Schwartz and is based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I am not surprised something so cool came out of Brooklyn, out of all the places. My boyfriend is from Brooklyn, we stayed there for a while this summer and I fell in ♥ with the place. The idea of covering ugly book covers with a choice of your favourite art pieces or simply a drawing sounds great to me. I used to do the same with cd covers back in the teenage years, when I was utterly devoted to my favourite bands. I always seemed to know better what would suit their album covers. Very few cds made it to my cd rack with their original artwork. I cut out pieces of photos from magazines, made collages, stuck them on... It was fun. I will do that with books from now on instead.
Our goal is turn books into a new kind of affordable art that can be displayed on bookshelves and coffee tables, in cafes and classrooms, on planes and trains . . . anywhere people bring their books. Our covers are off-set printed on recycled kraft paper in downtown New York and “fold-to-fit” almost any book. A Book City Jacket isn’t just beautiful — it also protects from spilled drinks and prying eyes and provides a convenient space to doodle and jot down notes. Book covers were a good idea in junior high school and they’re a good idea now. via Blog Cover Archive blog.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Wooden Radio
Couple of weeks ago I went to London. You might've read about it. I was going to see a concert, that's why I decided to go there in the first place, but it was cancelled and I was just left with a few days in London. I decided to catch up with a city I used to ♥ so much. I walked all over the town and felt like home, even if it's been seven years since I used to live there.
Filling up my schedule I decided to go to the Design Museum, how could I miss it, and spent two hours (at least...) in the museum store. I'm addicted to design gadgets, I admit. I need to show you all of them, or at least anything that's available online.
These radios are made of wood. They're sustainable (I believe). They're funny. They look good. Any other reason you need to have one...?Nymphenburg Porcelain
This beautiful set of porcelain was manufactured by a famous German manufacturer Nymphenburg, a company with traditions, started over 260 years ago. The Painter's Notes edition shows samples of colours painted on the edges of plates, just as if it was a colour book.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Go Bananas - Take Two
My cousin Zuzanna Śmiechowska sent me this lovely banana pocket knive, in addition to my previous post Go Bananas! (you can buy the knive on rossi.pl). Zuzanna like myself is a graphic designer, so there must be a graphic designer gens set running in the family. She's also a photgrapher and I recommend visiting her profile. For me those photos have some sentimental value as well, because I can spot my aunt and uncle, together with my cousins there! Anyways, thanks for the tip, cousin.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Joanna Figurniak - Wine Carry Bag
Wine carry bag is made of ecological materials: 100% natural wool felt and wood. This ingenious design is the result of its simplicity – the bag is nothing more then strap of felt fold into half and sewed. Felt bag can be also use as a horizontal or vertical wine rack. Available in three different sizes – for three, four or five bottles and in two version of handle – bamboo or soft felt handle with wood inside.
By Joanna Figurniak.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Instytut Książki by Studio Otwarte
Studio Otwarte is a graphic studio from Krakow, Poland. They are mostly known in the industry for their corporate identity work. They always incorporate clever patterns in it, their statements are simple but memorable. I also like their print portfolio, with an example above.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Salmon Packaging By Simmer
Our Studio continues the work on a series of salmon packaging. This amazing design is part of the research I did to see what happens on the "salmon design market" (which also resulted in a previous post about salmon from Stromme Throndsen Design). It's part of portfolio of an English studio Simmer and it links a pattern from an XVIII century wall panel to a simplified fish shape. Pretty amazing, ha?
Monday, 19 October 2009
Good Co. Coffee Bags

Nice package design by Landor, for a good start of the week. I feel I need some caffeine and "increased efficiency" myself...
Friday, 16 October 2009
Jessie Kirsch
It so happens that instead of beautiful autumn, with gold leaves falling off the tress, we actually have winter. With snow. In October. It's cold and grey and I'm craving to see some sun and colours.
I found some colour at Jesse Kirsch's website so I'm sharing it with you.
Cristian Zuzunaga
Collaboration with Ligne Roset Westend durin 100% Design, London. Limited edition Shaghai fabric upholstering Pas Si Classique sofa and Sala Dining chairs. By Cristian Zuzunaga.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Porkinson Bangers
While at Great Britain I couldn't miss the english breakfast. It's like going to Rome and not seeing the Pope. Our delicious (and calorie enhanced) meal didn't have fried sausages though, which I only realised now! That's a sin. I will go to culinary purgatory for that...
The bangers above are, called Porkinson Bangers as you can see, are British classic. (Just between us I have to say I still prefer Polish sausage to English...)
The bangers above are, called Porkinson Bangers as you can see, are British classic. (Just between us I have to say I still prefer Polish sausage to English...)
Louis Ghost Goes Barbie
I've seen many versions of the famous Louis Ghost by Philippe Starck, but I have to say this one's by far the weirdest! And funniest. I guess pop culture meets ...well, pop culture as well. Good marriage.
Introduced by Kartell.
Purpose - Orange and HMV
Only a couple of days ago I was in London, walking the streets of the city I used to ♥ so much. Few years ago I was really into music, working as a music journalist, going to all possible concerts, frstivals, spending hours in HMV and Tower Records. Things and interests have changed over the years, that's why you're looking at my design blog, however I still hold a lot of sentiment towards my favourit artists. This HMV merchandising was designed by Purpose.
Orange have teamed up with retailer HMV to give entertainment fans access to more music, film and games. Purpose helped the two companies to develop positioning strategy, ideas for joint promotions and all graphics for the 'store-within-a-store'; including windows, signage, point-of-sale, uniforms and bags.
Orange have teamed up with retailer HMV to give entertainment fans access to more music, film and games. Purpose helped the two companies to develop positioning strategy, ideas for joint promotions and all graphics for the 'store-within-a-store'; including windows, signage, point-of-sale, uniforms and bags.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Monday, 12 October 2009
Purpose - Shine Group Internal Mailer
Shine Group create, produce and distribute compelling television content. The company wanted to provide its 200+ employees located around the world with an updated showreel and list of company contact details. Purpose created a CD based mailer, inspired by the Group's iconic golden egg logo.
A foil blocked golden egg cover opens to reveal an 'egg yolk' CD showreel, and a rich yellow insert folds out to show the Group's offices and contacts around the world.
Dragomir Wines
In my work for the Dragomir Winery I always felt something that pushed me beyond the limits of ordinary, something that made me do strange but exquisite wine labels. Anotherpiece of great work from Jordan Jelev.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Kraftwerk To Go
If you ♥ Kraftwerk and want to keep them with you at all times, you can pack them and have them to go.... In this version by Shingo Shimizu, at least.
Paradise Package Design
I'm a fan o design that's simple yet showing something exceptional. This packaging design for Paradise, a brand of coffee - designed by an Ukrainian studio Artel - uses great drawings representing cultures exclusive to each coffee type.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Petiscos De Portugal
Really cute envelope and stamps design by the brasilian graphic designer Joao Ricardo Machado, whom we previously featured with his package design for Excentrico Wine (check it out here).
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Pentawards 2009
This is exciting, the Pentawards 2009 are already announced. Isn't it great that there's an award, dedicated exclusively to package design? I'm all for it. There are 31 lucky winners representing agencies from all over the world and their designs are truly inspiring.
For this third edition, we registered more than 750 entries from 39 countries,” explains Brigitte Evrard, co-founder of the Pentawards. “The leading packaging design agencies, mainly in England, France, the USA and Japan, participated in large numbers. We also received entries from leading packaging producers and brand owners such as Kimberly Clark, Colgate Palmolive, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Sony, Aekyung, Suntory, Bic, Remy-Cointreau,…
The purpose of the Pentawards is to reward creations from all markets, from everyday consumer articles to luxury goods. That is why 5 major groups (Beverages – Food – Body – Other markets – Luxury) comprise more than 40 categories. Pentawards crowns both packaging for luxury as well as consumer goods – by way of proof, the top prizes this year went to an exceptional cognac as well as to an international brand of paper tissues. This, in fact, is the distinguishing feature of the Pentawards!
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Package Design by Brooke Marton
Beautiful series of cosmetics package design by Brooke Marton. I ♥ the patterns used on the labels.
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Trip To London
Tomorrow evening I'm setting off to London, for a few days visit. It started off with me wanting (dying!) to see a concert by my beloved Tom McRae, who canelled the whole tour couple of days after I'd bought the plane ticket. Quite unfortunate, I have to say, and so I'm going anyway to see the Design Museum, checkout what's new in tate, hang out with friends.
This fan with London tube map came from Thoughtful Squarespace and is very pretty. And useful. I can't wait to have a ride on the tube.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Happiness ...Is A Package Design
Happiness- extra strong for fast relief.
Can we package happiness? Certainly if drugs make one happy and sound. So in this case you just need a bit of time and happiness grows in your backyard. Organic guarantee.
By Carmen Norgate.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Elizabeth McGrath - Schwein Haben
I got a link to Elizabeth McGrath's website from a dear friend of mine, Wisła Nicieja, whom we like to call Piglet (in Polish - Prosiaczek). I'm not surprised then she chose a fellow pig to show me! In fact Wisła will appear on this blog soon, because she makes incredible things worth sharing with everybody. Can you believe I have a chair, with myself painted on it...? That's how good she is!
For now here's a few words about Elizabeth though:
Los Angeles-born artist Elizabeth McGrath has always had an eye for the strange beauty in the grotesqueries of life; this appreciation is nowhere more evident than in her work. Inspired by the relationship between the natural world and the detritus of consumer culture, she brings forth a new cavalcade of creatures from the darker corners of the streets, the city, the imagination.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Visual Poems
Amazing idea of picturing the words by Peter Pavlov...
The poem "Days" speaks about the people from the working class in Macedonia and describes their hard life. Each morning they hear the rooster’s wake-up call and start working till the sun doesn’t fall.
The poem "Lenka" speaks about a woman who works at a tobacco monopoly. She lost her life because of her exhausting job, and left her linen blouse unwoven. The lyrics are handembroidered over the seams and the mannequin is handmade out of a copper coil. A light is inserted inside to accentuate the lyrics and cast a wireframe shadow over the linen blouse.
The poem "Days" speaks about the people from the working class in Macedonia and describes their hard life. Each morning they hear the rooster’s wake-up call and start working till the sun doesn’t fall.
The poem "Lenka" speaks about a woman who works at a tobacco monopoly. She lost her life because of her exhausting job, and left her linen blouse unwoven. The lyrics are handembroidered over the seams and the mannequin is handmade out of a copper coil. A light is inserted inside to accentuate the lyrics and cast a wireframe shadow over the linen blouse.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
The Cooka
As a person who ♥'s backpacking, I am naturally atracted to this idea of a portable stove. Wouldn't it be great to pack this thing up and then use it in any hostel you end up in? So much more independence!
The Cooka placemat stove is created of non-toxic LSR (Liquid Silicon Rubber) that you can roll up and stow away easily. The cooking plates heat up/cool down rapidly with silver thermal conduction. via Design Porn.
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