Friday, 27 May 2011

Sander Reijgers - Blow-Up Sex Doll Coat

I was looking a collection of items produced from things, that had a previous "life" and a function, and this stood out from the crow. A jacket made of blow-up sex dolls by a Ducth designer Sander Reijgers. A little googling brought me to an article, where he says I customize existing tracksuit tops with parts of the blow-up dolls – the head, the breasts, the vagina, the anus. These dolls are so ugly and vulgar that turning them into something beautiful has become a challenge for me. The doll is a means to convey something else. It's quite an outfit for Friday niught, I have to say. (By the way, it reminded me of the movie Lars and the Real Girl with Ryan Gossling. You should watch it!)