Friday, 25 June 2010

Ringnes Eventyrbrus Redesign

Today I am in mood to post some examples of good package design, which - apart from book covers - is my favourite part of the design world. I also browsed through many design portfolios today to catch up on the latest trends, therefore I have loads new stuff I like. Right now a sweet Before & After case for Ringnes by a Norwegian studio Audun Aas.

The Challenge: Ringnes AS is one of Norways leading distributors of beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Ringnes Eventyrbrus as a brand has remained unchanged for the last 50 years. How can one refresh this soda brand to increase the number of buyers without losing your current fanbase?

The Solution: Flaskeladdens Eventyrbrus is a concept for re-branding of Ringnes Eventyrbrus. The concept consists of small and big bottles, cans, and packaging for 4 small bottles. The big bottles is Ringnes’ standard bottles, while the small bottles were chosen based on the ergonomics (small radius and grip for a small childrens hands) and exposure area (cylinder formed). The tall and narrow cans also give a good exposure area for the label.

The Details: The face on the front of the bottle and the back of the head on the backside of the bottle, gives a three-dimensional feel that gives it more appeal for playing with it. Under the back of the head, a short excerpt from the fairy tale is written to make you identify with the character on the bottle. The handwritten font and wordplay attributes to a simple and playful impression.

The Packaging: The box is designed to create a world around the four characters in the story. It is custom designed based on this assignment, making it an easy transition from closed to open solution. When closed, it is a sturdy box with separators that keep all the bottles firmly standing. In stores, the box will be held together by a strap that is linked through each corner of the box. When this strap is removed, the box opens in one esthetic movement, and the separators become the mountains in the fairy tale landscape. In this particular landscape you find Askeladdens cabin, the Princess’ tower, the Kings castle and the Trolls cave.

The Game: The cork-tops on the bottles also work as game pieces, that have to make it over the lake to the other side, without being pushed into the ocean by an opposing player. The packaging with the game, including the bottles, tells the story about these four characters using games and fun, instead of a long book story. Through character building the target group will get attached to the characters, and will want the next series with new bottles and new stories.