Monday, 21 June 2010

Miniature Food Jewelry by Stéphanie Kilgast

OK. I have to admit I have not written in a while. I feel guity if any of you have visited Say Hi! to see what's new while there was obviously nothing new being published. But I'll get back to the usual schedule this week, at least I hope so! Things got busy at work as my boss went to Turkey, to sizzle on a beach, and someone has to have a little control over what's going on at the studio :)

For a good start of the week a perfect combination - food with no calories and a beautiful treat to the eye. The miniture food jewelry by Stéphanie Kilgast stole my heart recently. She makes rings and earrings and broches being 1/12 of the size of regular sweets such as cupcakes and donuts and cookies. They are decorated just like the regular food, with the difference everything is just so adorably tiny...