Tuesday 20 April 2010

Nathan Sawaya - Lego Brick Sculptures

When I was a kid, in the lovely comunnist times in Poland, I didn't have Barbie dolls or a fancy set of My Pony horses. I did however have a set of Legos, I'm not sure where from. I loved to build and play and imagine how I own a castle built in the middle of my room. That sentiment towards lego bricks remains inside me today as well. I think it's the kind of toy you can easily use and play with when you're an adult as well. Which is why I'm not suprised to see how Nathan Sawaya dedicated his career to building sculptures out of lego bricks (or maybe another brand bricks, I'm not quite sure). They are pretty big, pretty accurate and pretty funny. Check out the photos after the jump, to see much more. My personal favourite is the lifesize replica of Stephen Colbert :)