Monday, 15 March 2010

Lauren Cahill - Unwanted Books

My friend's grandfather started a foundation taking care of unwated books. They redistributed the books among small schools libraries, sent the to the Polish people living abroad to cultivate the Polish language, offered them for sale in bulks, based on a chosen subject. I was raised to respect books and the written word so it's hard to throw out books, while there's so many coming my way I simply need to make space for new additions. I was thinking about all that looking at Laura Cahill's pretty amazing objects she'd created from old books....

My idea of using second hand books came around after doing research into common unwanted objects. One of the most common unwanted objects that can be found at either charity shops, car boot sales and sometimes on the streets are books. I discovered that the glue in old books make them extremely difficult to recycle. Aware of this I challenged myself to turn the second hand books that I had been collecting, into desirable objects such as furniture, lighting and ornaments.